Elevate Your Existence

The Elite Inner Circle with Vivien Roggero

Unlock Unimaginable Momentum in Every Aspect of Your Life

You Don’t Need To Be Rich, Successful To Join And Experience Life Changing Outcomes – In Your Own Life.

It's achievable by anyone willing to embrace change.

Vivien's method has transformed lifes, from the driven to the dreamer.

Proving that profound shifts are within reach.

When Vivien first started transforming people’s lives he would do it over a single call.

In just one conversation, fears dissolve, potential unlocks, and lives pivot towards greatness.

This isn't illusion—it's impact.

Real, tangible transformations that redefine incomes, relationships, health, and happiness.

In a few short months…

  • Some 10X their income

  • Some launched the business they just dreamed of

  • Some improved their relationships

  • Some finally found their purpose

  • And some found themselves gaining long lasting True Freedom and Happiness

The truth is...

Vivien Created a System to Extract Hidden Potential and Gain Success and Freedom

Vivien invites you now to the Elite Inner Circle, where dedicated people become unstoppable using the Frameworks he created.

Excellence is just the beginning, so are you ready to redefine success?

Join us.

Transform. Elevate. Thrive.

We are speaking of a life altering method that will

Help Cultivating Your Inner Wisdom

Enhance self-awareness and control, fostering healthy habits that lead to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Accelerate Your Mastery

Unlock productive and lucrative skills swiftly, propelling your career and personal growth.

Streamline Success

Elevate every facet of your life with ease and speed, setting new benchmarks of excellence.

Ascend Beyond Limits

Surpass the ordinary, achieving unparalleled heights in your journey with the Elite Inner Circle.


- Vivien Roggero

How DID Vivien become one of the leading coach?

Vivien Roggero's ascent to becoming a pivotal figure in the realm of personal and professional development is marked not only by his resilience in the face of personal adversity but also by his extensive experience as a leader.

With nearly two decades of leadership under his belt, Vivien has honed his ability to inspire, motivate, and guide individuals towards achieving their full potential.

At the heart of his transformative journey is the creation of the "One Freedom Framework," a testament to his innovative approach to personal growth and leadership.

This framework is the culmination of Vivien's extensive experience, research, and personal insights into the mechanics of achieving and sustaining personal freedom and success.

The One Freedom Framework is designed to empower individuals to break free from the constraints that hold them back, whether they be mental, emotional, or situational.

By focusing on holistic development, Vivien's framework addresses the key aspects of an individual's life, encouraging a balanced approach to growth that encompasses personal well-being, professional achievements, and the cultivation of meaningful relationships.

Vivien's methodology within the One Freedom Framework emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, resilience, and strategic action.

It's a blueprint for those who are not just seeking success in the conventional sense but are striving for a deeper, more fulfilling sense of freedom in their lives.

Through this framework, Vivien offers a pathway for individuals to navigate the complexities of modern life with confidence, purpose, and a sense of unbounded possibility.

His leadership and the One Freedom Framework reflect Vivien's unwavering commitment to not just overcoming challenges but using them as stepping stones to greater heights.

It's a powerful reminder that true leadership is not just about guiding others but about continually evolving oneself to better serve and inspire the world around us.

A Pathway to High Performance and True Freedom

For High Achievers Seeking Peak Performance

Dive into the Elite Inner Circle, where peak performance isn't just an outcome—it's a way of life.

For the Courageous Battling Inner Doubts

Transform your inner dialogue from one of doubt and fear to one of strength and certainty.

For Seekers of True Freedom

True freedom lies in the mastery of one's own life—financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

For Entrepreneurs and Leaders Craving Exponential Growth

Equip yourself with the strategies and mindset for exponential growth.

For Individuals Desiring Deep, Meaningful Connections

Discover the keys to nurturing connections that are both enriching and enduring.

For the Courageous Battling Inner Doubts

Transform your inner dialogue from one of doubt and fear to one of strength and certainty.

For Those Committed to Holistic Well-being

Pursue a state of complete well-being where physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance converge.

For Visionaries Determined to Uncover Their Purpose

Embark on a profound journey to uncover your true purpose.

Join Today

To Create Unimaginable Levels of Success in Every Area of Your Life…


Direct Access to Vivien Roggero

Experience unparalleled access to Vivien himself. This includes direct Telegram access, live Q&A sessions, personalized advice, and mentorship that cuts through the noise, directly addressing your unique challenges and aspirations.

Direct Access To Vivien Roggero
Monthly Coaching Sessions

Monthly Coaching Sessions

Receive a one-on-one coaching session with Vivien or a certified coach every month. These sessions are tailored to help you maintain momentum, overcome obstacles, and stay aligned with your goals.

Complimentary Access to All Trainings

As a member, you gain free access to all of Vivien's online trainings and workshops. This includes past recordings and future sessions, ensuring you have the knowledge and tools at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere.

Awaken the Leader Within
Singapore Event 2023

Quarterly Mastermind Events

Join us at exclusive locations around the world for mastermind sessions that promise not only to inspire but to transform. Network with peers, share strategies, and learn from the successes (and failures) of others in a confidential, supportive environment.

Annual Retreat in Bali

Indulge in a once-in-a-lifetime retreat in Bali, designed to rejuvenate your spirit, body, and mind. This is not just a getaway; it's a deep dive into personal growth, surrounded by the beauty of the tropics and the energy of fellow achievers.

Elite Inner Circle Community

Gain access to a private, members-only community. This digital forum is a place for sharing insights, asking questions, and connecting with like-minded individuals committed to growth and excellence.




Enjoy special invitations to members-only events, plus exclusive discounts on additional services and partner offerings. These benefits are designed to enhance your journey and provide value beyond the membership itself.

Discover Your Unimaginable Potential

Are you ready to unlock levels of success, fulfillment, and happiness you've only dreamed of?

The journey to your best self begins here, with the Elite Inner Circle.

Dive deep into a world where your potential is limitless, and every goal is within reach.

Don't let another moment pass you by. Click below to discover how you can transform your life today


How do I apply for the Elite Inner Circle?

Applications are open to those who demonstrate a commitment to their personal and professional development. Share your story and aspirations with us through our application process on the website. (Places are highly limited due to the exclusive nature of the Inner Circle)

What makes the Elite Inner Circle different from other programs?

Unlike other programs that offer generic advice and support, the Elite Inner Circle provides personalized guidance, direct access to Vivien Roggero, and an immersive global community experience. It's designed for those ready to invest in a life-changing journey of growth and achievement.

What is the investment for the Elite Inner Circle?

The Elite Inner Circle is a premium membership program. While we do not disclose pricing upfront to maintain the exclusivity and personalized nature of the experience, we invite interested individuals to apply and discuss investment details during the selection process.

What commitment is required to join the Elite Inner Circle?

Joining the Elite Inner Circle requires a one-year commitment to ensure members fully immerse themselves in the transformative experience and gain maximum value from their membership.

How often does the Elite Inner Circle meet?

The Elite Inner Circle meets for quarterly offline events around the world, in addition to monthly online sessions and the annual retreat in Bali. This schedule ensures regular, impactful interactions among members and with Vivien.

Is there a community within the Elite Inner Circle?

Yes, one of the goals of the Elite Inner Circle is to create a vibrant, global community. Members gain access to an exclusive online platform for networking, sharing insights, and supporting each other's growth. This community serves as a powerful resource for collaboration, inspiration, and accountability, ensuring you're surrounded by like-minded individuals committed to excellence.

Are there replays available if I can't attend a live session?

Absolutely. We understand the busy schedules of our members. All live sessions, including workshops and guest expert presentations, are recorded and made available to Elite Inner Circle members. This ensures you never miss out on the valuable insights and can engage with the content at a time that suits you best.

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